Selasa, 21 Juni 2016

Tips Eliminate Dizziness Without Having Cancel Fasting

Dizziness or headache during fasting can indeed be experienced by everyone and certainly very disturbing comfort in fasting. Headache itself is a pain and pressure in the head, it can happen because it can be caused from the many activities carried out every day in excess. So because of that, not infrequently of their frequent headaches  arrival of a sudden. So if it happens how to cope with headaches while fasting? Such as we know to relieve headaches can usually be done by taking drugs or other. However, given the longer fasting and do not want to break the fast. Many of those who allowed continuous headaches and torture yourself. Though there are some things that can be done to relieve headache without having to break the fast. Go see review below!

Here Tips Eliminate Dizziness or Headaches Without Fasting Must Cancel

The first step you can take to overcome dizziness or headaches without having to break the fast is to know in advance the cause of headaches stretcher. Headache itself can be caused by several factors opal lifestyle changes during fasting and dehydration. If the headache came suddenly in the middle of the fasting step you should do is a short break to sleep and calm your mind. If it is the headache is gone then can you begin to indulge back.

The second step cope with a headache without having to break the fast is a way to consume plenty of water when dawn and breaking. This is one way of prevention that can be done. A person who is fasting is highly recommended to consume lots of water. This is because the human brain contains 75 percent water, so that's why you have to meet a lot of water in your body. Additionally consume foods with a low content of sugar, these foods serve to prevent dizziness in the daylight fasting.

The last step you can do is if the first method did not work for you do to cope with a headache without having to break the fast. Then do the following manner, namely by attaching a damp cloth on your forehead for a few minutes. Then create a body to lie down for a moment in order to make your head to relax. When he was in a relaxed state, the headache is experienced over time will disappear naturally without having to interrupt your fasting.

Now that's a few tips that you can do to help relieve dizziness or headaches without having to break the fast. Indeed, the headaches will be experienced by anyone in a variety  one of them while fasting. Although fasting you should not have to break the fast because of problems dizziness or headache. It would be nice if it did some tips as described above to help relieve your headache without fear of fasting you cancel. But if some of the above has been done and still does not work then immediately to consult a doctor in order to get proper treatment. Otherwise it will further worsen the condition of your health. So and hopefully this article can be useful explanation. 
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